Evil – Interpol

Visitas: 214  
Tiempo total: 1 días con 11:29:0 hrs  

Las canciones de rock Indie son dedicadas hacia las mujeres que hacen a las pupilas dilatar, son canciones acompañadas de sonidos tranquilos, trajes formales y voces acopladas a las letras y al grupo – como opinión individual independientemente de las personas que las cantan y sus conceptos personales, algunas tienen letras por dedicar y algunas otras hablan de temas abiertos a interpretar.

Algunos grupos se salen de la rama del rock adquiriendo nuevos conceptos cuales hacen perder el interés, pero en este caso la canción de Evil del grupo Interpol tiene una letra similar al video -extraña- publicado hace ayeres atras, su significado primario tal vez quedo en la mente de los autores al no ser específicos en cada letra, pero en resumen puedes encontrar un significado de acuerdo a como la interpretas, aunque de una o mil maneras siempre va a ser únicamente una canción mas.

Hey wait, Sensitive to fate not… Denial. She’ll come to love without comparison in the other hand. Heaven restores you in life – Yeah come to hold me tight. Hey wait.


Heaven restores you in life
Coming with me
Through the aging, the fear and the strife
It’s the smiling on the package
It’s the faces in the sand
It’s the thought that holds you upwards
Embracing me with two hands
Write, we’ll take you places
Yeah maybe to the beach
When your friends they do come crying
Tell them how your pleasure’s set up on slow-release

Hey wait
Great smile
Sensitive to faith not
But hey whose on trial?

It took a lifespan
With no cellmate
The long way back
Saying meanwhile can’t we look the other way?

He speaks about travel
Yeah, we think about the land
We smile like all people
Feeling real tan
I can take you places
Do you need a new man?
Wipe the pollen from the faces
Make revision to a dream while you wait in the van

Hey wait
Great smile
Sensitive to faith not
But hey whose on trial?

It took a lifespan
With no cellmate
Find a long way back
Sandy, why can’t we look the other way?
You’re weightless, you are exotic
You need something for which to care
Sandy,why can’t we look the other way?

Leave some shards under the belly
Lay some grease inside my hand
It’s a sentimental jury
And the makings of a good plan
You’ve come to love me nightly
Yeah you’ve come to hold me tight
Is this motion everlasting
Or do shutters pass in the night?

Oh heaven restores you in life

I spent a lifespan with no cellmate
The long way back
Sandy, why can’t we look the other way?
You’re weightless, semi-erotic
You need someone to take you there
Sandy, why can’t can’t we look the other way?
Why can’t we just play the other game?
Why can’t we just look the other way?




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