GlassFish server and Netbeans installation

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This is a graphic tutorial with a description step by step about how to run jsp files with the GlassFish server and Netbeans.

1. Download the JDK (Java Se Development Kit).

image1 - glassfish server and netbeans

2. Follow the link, select: platform: Windows, agree the license.

image2 - glassfish server and netbeans

3. Click to download the file: jdk-6u23-windows-i586.exe or the latest version.

image3 - glassfish server and netbeans

4. Click on Save File to start the download.

image4 - glassfish server and netbeans

5. installing the JDK, double click on the file jdk-6u23-windows-i586.exe or the latest version, and press Next.

image5 - glassfish server and netbeans

6. Select the folder to install the JDK, and press next.

image6 - glassfish server and netbeans

7. Select the folder to install these files, and click on Next.

image7 - glassfish server and netbeans

8. Click on Finish.

image8 - glassfish server and netbeans

9. Download Glassfish 3.0.1 or the latest version.

And fallow the link “Download” Glassfish Server Open Source Edition 3.0.1 or the latest version.

image9 - glassfish server and netbeans

10. Select the link (on this example) “glassfish-3.0.1-windows.exe” from the table:

(Glassfish 3.0.1 Open Source Edition Full Platform, Windows [1])

image10 - glassfish server and netbeans

11. And start to download the file glassfish-3.0.1-windows.exe (on this example).

image11 - glassfish server and netbeans

12. Installing glassfish-3.0.1-windows.exe.

Double click on glassfish-3.0.1-windows.exe. Wait until load.

image12 - glassfish server and netbeans

13. Click on next to start.

image13 - glassfish server and netbeans

14. Select the folder to install Glassfish. Press Next.

image14 - glassfish server and netbeans

15. A window with the fields Administrator port, http port, username and password, in this example we only will enter our password. Click Next.

image15 - glassfish server and netbeans

16. Click Next.

image16 - glassfish server and netbeans

17. Select the folder where we install our JDK files, and press next.

image17 - glassfish server and netbeans

18. Click on Install.

image18 - glassfish server and netbeans

19. The installation will start.

image19 - glassfish server and netbeans

20. In this example, we need to skip the register.

image20 - glassfish server and netbeans

21. The installation is finished. Click on Exit.

image21 - glassfish server and netbeans

22. GlassFish server quick start:
First, we need to create a .cmd file with the commands to start or stop the default domain and the database server.

  • Create a new txt files on the folder where is installed the glassfish-3.0.1 server.
    image22a - glassfish server and netbeans
  • Write on start_domain.txt:
    bin/asadmin start-domain
    and change the file start_domain.txt To start_domain.cmd.
  • Write on stop_domain.txt:
    bin/asadmin stop-domain
    and change the file stop_domain.txt to stop_domain.cmd
  • Write on start_dbserver.txt:
    bin/asadmin start-database –dbhome $MYINSTALATIONFOLDER$/javadb
    where $MYINSTALATIONFOLDER$ is the instalation folder of  glassfish-3.0.1 server, in this example is D:\glassfishv3\, so, we will write:
    bin/asadmin start-database –dbhome D:/glassfishv3/javadb
    and change the file start_dbserver.txt to start_dbserver.cmd
  • Write on stop_dbserver.txt:
    bin/asadmin stop-database
    and change the file stop_dbserver.txt to start_dbserver.cmd.
    image22b - glassfish server and netbeans
  • To start the default domain, press the file start_domain.cmd, and start_dbserver.cmd. On this step maybe you will find some error, for example the message that not exists any domain name. For this, please use the console and go the to bin folder of the glashfish server, and execute the next command: create-domain –adminport 4848 domain then, 4848 and domain is the fixed details to set up this server.
    image22c - glassfish server and netbeans

23. To start the administration console, type the url on you firefox.


  • Loading the server.
    image23a - glassfish server and netbeans
  • Type our user name and password and press Login.
    image23b - glassfish server and netbeans
  • Inside of the server.
    image23c - glassfish server and netbeans

24. Download the NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta (Please, you need to download the latest version on your side)

image24 - glassfish server and netbeans

25. Clic to save the program file on your pc.

image25 - glassfish server and netbeans

26. Installing the NetBeans IDE 7 Beta. Double click on the netbeans-7.0beta-ml-javase-windows.exe or the latest version, and press Next.

image26 - glassfish server and netbeans

27. Accept the license agreement, press Next.

image27 - glassfish server and netbeans

28. Select the folder to install NetBeans, also the folder where you install the JDK files. press Next.

image28 - glassfish server and netbeans

29. Press Next.

image29 - glassfish server and netbeans

30. Installing the program.

image30 - glassfish server and netbeans

31. Finally, press Finish.

image31 - glassfish server and netbeans

32. Finally,  the installation folders:

JDK (Java Se Development Kit):
D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\
NetBeans IDE 7 Beta:
D:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.0 Beta\

33. Configuration of NetBeans IDE 7.0. Run the programm. Click on Install Plugins.

image33 - glassfish server and netbeans

34. We will select all the Java web and EE options. Click on Install.

image34 - glassfish server and netbeans

35. Click on Next.

image35 - glassfish server and netbeans

36. Click on accept. and Install.

image36 - glassfish server and netbeans

37. Installing. Click Run In Background.

image37 - glassfish server and netbeans

38. When finish the installation, go to Tool, Servers. addServer. Select the GlassFish Server 3, click Next.

image38 - glassfish server and netbeans

39. In the field Installation Location, type the folder of the Glassfish server instalation. press Next.

image39 - glassfish server and netbeans

40. In the nex window, we will use the default settings. click on Finish.

image40 - glassfish server and netbeans

41. Finally, click on Close.

image41 - glassfish server and netbeans

42. Let start the server and the NetBeansIDE: Window, Services, Servers, press the right button of the mouse on GlassFish Server 3, and start. Will be appear a login window, type our user name: admin, and the password: *******. press OK.

image42 - glassfish server and netbeans

43. Open the files of your project, or create a new one. This is used to run web projects on your local server with the languaje jsp using the GlassFish server with the IDE Netbeans.

image46 - glassfish server and netbeans

44. Finally, we have now open the project on NetBeans and glassfish server.

image47 - glassfish server and netbeans

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